HIGH-LOW Examination Tables
As the percentage of older individuals using walking aids and wheelchairs increases, facilities are looking for the best table to meet this growing patient population. The ENCORE’S 24” access height allows patient to feel the padded top against the back of their legs, helping to stabilize them as they sit down on the table. The ENCORE’S low height is ideal for patients with hip and knee replacements and for staff assisting patients with pivotal transfers from wheelchair to table.
Classic high-low
examination TABLE
Features for Efficiency
Height and Back Adjustment by Smart Actuators
Dual Electrical Receptacles with Circuit Breaker
Instrument Warming Drawer
Hand Control Port to Accommodate Hand Control Accessory
4 - Year Warranty
basic high-low
examination TABLE
All the Power You Need
Height and Back Adjustment by Smart Actuators
Hand Control Port to Accommodate Hand Control Accessory
2 - Year Warranty