OB/GYN Examination Table
The REGENCY 450 is perfect for facilties performing limited number of GYN exams or procedures. This table offers the basic GYN features of pelvic tilt, multi-position stirrups, irrigation basin and pull out leg support. This REGENCY table also comes with field reversible side drawers, an extra-long pull out step and a patient load capacity of 600 lbs.
2-YEAR Warranty
Patient Load: 600 lbs.
4" deep Irrigation Basin engineered to move independent of Leg Extension
Field Reversible Side Drawers
Spring Assisted Counter Balance for smooth adjustment of back - NO GAS CYLINDERS
Fully Welded All Steel Base and Top Construction - NO PLASTIC
Easy to clean 100% Seamless Vacuum Formed Top
Table Ships Complete - NO ASSEMBLY REQUIRED
Classified by UL to UL60601-1, IEC/EN 60601-1, CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 601.1